Estimated Delivery Date - This is known as the "due date" or the expected day of the infant's delivery.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - A condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy.

Glucola - The glucola is a beverage drank during the 1 hour or 3 hour glucose test performed at 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Group B Strep - Group B Strep (GBS) is a normal bacteria that "colonizes" or grows in the vagina and anus. It does not cause symptoms. The doctor will use a swab to test for GBS at 36 weeks of pregnancy. If it is present, the mother is treated with intravenous antibiotics at delivery to prevent transmission to the infant.

High Risk Prenatal Care - This is prenatal care that involves additional visits or prenatal testing. This can be due to many different situations such as a twin gestation, high blood pressure during pregnancy, diabetes during pregnancy, or being over the age of 35.

Parvovirus "Fifth's Disease" - An infection that is commonly found in children but can be passed to adults. Symptoms in children include a fever, bright red facial rash on cheeks, headache, fatigue, and itching. There are usually no symptoms in adults.

Pelvic exam - This is a manual exam performed by the physician during the last month of pregnancy.

Postpartum Care - Period of time beginning immediately after delivery and extending for approximately 6 weeks.

Premature Labor - (also called "preterm" labor) is labor that starts before 37 weeks of pregnancy, or more than 3 weeks before your due date.

Rhogam - A medication that is given to women who have a negative blood type (i.e. O Negative) at 28 weeks of pregnancy or if she is experiencing vaginal bleeding.

Toxoplasmosis - A parasitic disease that can infect humans through cat feces.